Workstation Pro Plus, Lipostructure High Definition · Power-Assisted Liposuction
La WORKSTATION PRO PLUS es la solución ideal para los cirujanos que se dedican especialmente al Autoinjerto de Grasa y desean tener el control total de la alta definición de volúmenes, perfiles y superficies en sus resultados.
La WORKSTATION PRO PLUS es la solución ideal para los cirujanos que se dedican especialmente al Autoinjerto de Grasa y desean tener el control total de la alta definición de volúmenes, perfiles y superficies en sus resultados.
Gracias a la utilización combinada de todos los componentes individuales del WORKSTATION PRO PLUS es posible llevar a cabo, de manera fácil y rapida, intervenciones de autoinjerto de grasa de grandes volúmenes con Alta Definición, con la máxima seguridad y que de otra manera seria imposible efectuar. Facilita en gran manera la labor del cirujano para que éste solamente tenga que preocuparse de crear los volúmenes y las proporciones deseados, para obtener los mejores resultados posibles. El gran ahorro de tiempo de quirófano permite disminuir la incidencia de posible complicaciones.
Combining Vibrasat® Pro, the power-assisted liposuction device with a TLA/FAT infiltration pump (Liposat® Pro plus), the Anti-Hypothermia-Solution (Thermia Pro) and the silent surgical aspirator (Vacusat® power) builds the complete solution for body contouring. All components are perfectly compatible and harmonised to each other, guaranteeing excellent efficiency, environmentally friendly operation and a maximum in safety for your patient. All available safety features and accessories are included: Overflow protection, hydrophobic filter, attachment kits, and a 3-Pedal footswitch.
5 reasons for our Workstation Pro plus:
1. TLA infiltration, liposuction and fat re-infiltration – the Workstation Pro plus optimally supports you.
2. The included Liposat® Pro plus in combination with Vibrasat® Pro handles fat in the gentlest way – because viable fat matters.
3. The unique Anti-Hypothermia Solution – Thermia Pro increases the patient safety during the surgery.
4. Enjoy a super silent OR and be able to fully concentrate on your patient – maximum reduction of noise level can be noticed.
5. The integrated 3-Pedal Footswitch allows you to perform your procedure exactly as you need it – to offer your patients the best possible results.
TLA infiltration for small and large volumes
• Liposuction
• Vein-Stripping
• Sweat gland suction
Liposuctions and Lipoinfiltrations
• Hand
• Face
• Brazilian Butt Lift
• Breast
• and others
Datos técnicos
Datos técnicos
Vacusat® power:
Dimension 1000 x 500 x 560 mm
Weight 26 kg
Suction power 58 l/min ± 6 l/min at 50 Hz
Medical device class IIa
Vacuum -90 kPa on NN (normal
null; 100 kPa = 1 Bar =
1,000 mbar)
Power supply 100 – 240 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz
Current consumption 1.1 A
Fuse T 1.6 A H
Vibrasat® Pro:
Dimension (W x H x D) 170 x 90 x 205 mm
Hand piece (dia. x L) 52 x 300 mm
Weight control unit/ hand piece 1.2 kg/ 0.7 kg
Medical device class IIa
Stroke length approx. 3 mm
Stroke frequency 3,000 – 6,000 /min
Power supply 100 – 240 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz
Liposat® Pro plus:
Dimension 275 x 210 x 350 mm
Weight 6 kg
Pumping rate 50 – 1,000 ml/min
Medical device class IIb
Accuracy of pumping rate ±15%
Power supply 100 – 240 VAC, 50 – 60 Hz
Watch one of our explanation videos to see how our all-in one solution the Workstation performs.
See Dr. Alexander Hamers talking about safe BBL procedures with MÖLLERs Aesthetics Solutions.
Listen to serveral experts in the field of liposuction and lipoinfiltration, talking about working with our Aestehtics Solutions and their advantages in patients outcome and predictability of results.
Work time saveing using the Vacuum Switch for the Workstations. The Vacuum Switch is a helpful to evacuate waste containers of the Vacusat® power seperately and faster.